All the formulas in the third day of physics. Thank you

All the formulas in the third day of physics. Thank you

1. The velocity formula of uniform linear motion is as follows:
Speed: v = s / T
Find the distance: S = vt
Time: T = s / V
2. The velocity formula of variable speed linear motion: v = s / T
3. Relationship between weight and mass: g = Mg (g = 9.8N / kg)
4. The definition of density
Finding the density of matter: ρ = m / V
Finding the mass of matter: M = ρ V
Finding the volume of matter: v = m / ρ
4. Calculation of pressure
Definition: P = f / S
Liquid pressure: P = ρ GH (H is depth)
Pressure: F = PS
Calculate the stress area: S = f / P
5. Calculation of buoyancy
Weighing method: F floating = G-F
Formula method: F floating = g row = ρ row V row G
Floating method: F floating = g object (V row < V object)
Suspension method: F floating = g matter (V row = V matter)
6. Lever balance condition: f1l1 = f2l2
7. Definition of work: w = FS
8. Power definition: P = w / T
For uniform linear motion: P = Fv (F is power)
9. Mechanical efficiency: η = w useful / W total
For ascending objects:
W = GH (H is height)
Wtotal = FS
10. Slope formula: FL = GH
11. Endothermic and exothermic conditions of objects with temperature change
Q suction = cm Δ t (Δ t = t-t0)
Q = cm Δ t (Δ t = t0-t)
12. Calculation of heat release from fuel combustion: q = QM
13. Heat balance equation: Q suction = q discharge
14. Heat engine efficiency: η = w / Q amplifier (Q amplifier = QM)
15. Definition formula of current: I = q / T (q is electric quantity, unit is Coulomb)
16. Ohm's Law: I = u / R
Deformation voltage: u = IR
Resistance calculation by deformation: r = u / I
17. Characteristics of series circuit: (take two pure resistance electrical appliances in series as an example)
The relation of voltage: u = U1 + U2
The relation of current: I = I1 = I2
Resistance relation: r = R1 + R2
18. Characteristics of parallel circuit: (take two pure resistance electrical appliances in parallel as an example)
The relation of voltage: u = U1 = U2
The relation of current: I = I1 + I2
The relationship of resistance: 1 / r = 1 / R1 + 1 / r2
19. Calculation of electric work: w = uit
20. Definition of electric power: P = w / T
Common formula: P = UI
Joule's Law: q = i2rt
For pure resistance circuit: Q amplifier = i2rt = u2t / r = uit = Pt = UQ = w
22. Calculation of total power of lighting circuit: P = P1 + P1 +

The best is the third semester
1. Yours is not from the second semester of junior three

W work = Pt = FS
F = row G
P power = w / T = FV
P pressure = f / S = ρ GH
η = w useful / W total