Who can help me calculate how much electricity solar panels can convert? What is the conversion rate of 10% of 100W amorphous silicon thin film solar panels can drive how many watts of water pump?

Who can help me calculate how much electricity solar panels can convert? What is the conversion rate of 10% of 100W amorphous silicon thin film solar panels can drive how many watts of water pump?

Now that you know the rated power, the conversion rate is useless. You said 100W is the rated power of solar cells, which is the output power under standard working conditions (solar radiation is 1000W / m2). Under normal weather conditions, the radiation can not reach the standard working conditions. You can give a 70% discount to select the panel, for example, you need to drive 700

How big is each solar panel? How many watts per hour is each solar panel?
How many boards are needed for a roof over 190 square meters?
How much electricity can each piece generate per hour?

For different types of roofs (flat roof or sloping roof), 19kw can be installed at 190 watts per square meter. As for how many batteries can be installed, it depends on the power of the battery panels used. For example, for 245W batteries, 190000 / 245 is about 78. According to the average annual utilization hours of the area, 1200,