What is 12V 324w equal to

What is 12V 324w equal to

324/12=27 27A

The battery capacity is 12Ah, the voltage is 48V, how much energy can it store

According to this calculation, the power capacity of 12Ah, 48V battery is 12a * 48V = 576wh. According to the formula w = P * t, the energy stored in the battery is 576w * 3600s = 2073600j

What does ah of 6V / 4ah represent?
Is it equal to battery mah? If not, how to convert it?
Also, count me stupid, how to charge the battery?
Well, there's another question, how long can the battery last?

Ampere hour (ah): one of the indicators reflecting the capacity of the battery, which is defined as the discharge time according to the specified current. Ampere hour (ah): one of the indicators reflecting the capacity of the battery, which is defined as the discharge time according to the specified current. For the battery with the same voltage, the battery with the larger ampere hour has the larger capacity; for the battery with the same ampere hour