How much W is 1HP?

How much W is 1HP?

In the small air conditioning project, 1HP refers to the input power of 735w to the compressor
The cooling capacity produced is 2500W

How many millimeters is 1HP equal to

1 HP = 0.735kw
Power divided by 0.735 is horsepower
However, there are English system and metric system for horsepower, which are also used in most automobiles
Due to the difference between English system and metric system, the definition of horsepower is basically different
British horsepower (HP) is defined as: a horse pulls 165 feet (FT) of a 200 pound (LB) object in one minute, which is equal to 33000 LB ft / min after multiplication;
The metric definition of horsepower (PS) is that a horse pulls a 75 kg object for 60 meters in one minute, which is equal to 4500 KGM / min
After unit conversion, (1lb = 0.454kg; 1ft = 0.3048m), it is found that 1HP = 4566kgm / min is slightly different from 1ps = 4500kgm / min in metric system. If the watt is used as the unit (1W = 1nm / sec = 9.8kgm / sec), we can get 1HP = 746w; 1ps = 735w, the difference is about 1.5%
Why is there a difference between the British system and the metric system in the world? It's just like why some cars have a right-hand drive and some have a left-hand drive. It's a difference that human beings will never be able to coordinate. If you look at several familiar test standards, the German DIN and the European community's new standard EEC, the Japanese JIS uses the metric PS as the horsepower unit, while SAE uses the British HP as the unit, However, due to the advent of the world integration economy and in order to avoid complex conversion, more and more original data have been changed to provide the undisputed international standard unit kW as the engine output power value
Summary: 1 HP = 0.746 kW, 1 ps = 0.735 kW, 1 HP = 1.014 966 PS

How many MPa is 100 tons on the hydraulic press equal to?
I want to do a stamping die company, the equipment is 100 tons of four column press, ask you heroes, 100 tons is equal to how many MPa?

10000 MPa

How much kW is 1000 watts? How many kwh is 159 watts per hour? 0.15 * 5 / 60 = 0.75 / 60 = 0.0125 (KWH). Why multiply by 5

1000W = 1kW, multiply by 5 because 159w / h is not equal to 159kw / h