What is the electron volt? How to use EV in the formula? For example, an electron with a kinetic energy of 100eV enters the deflection electric field along the direction perpendicular to the electric field. It is known that the length of the plate in the deflection electric field is 6cm, the distance between the two plates is 3cm, and the deflection voltage is 4V?

What is the electron volt? How to use EV in the formula? For example, an electron with a kinetic energy of 100eV enters the deflection electric field along the direction perpendicular to the electric field. It is known that the length of the plate in the deflection electric field is 6cm, the distance between the two plates is 3cm, and the deflection voltage is 4V?

100eV = 100 * 1.6 * 10 ^ (- 19) = 1.6 * 10 ^ (- 17) J to solve this problem, the first step is to find the velocity of the electron. 1 / 2mV ^ 2 = 1.6 * 10 ^ (- 17) J to find v according to this formula. The second step is to find the field strength e = 4 / 0.03

What unit of physical quantity is the electron volt EV

A unit of energy, which represents the potential energy required to increase the potential of a unit charge by one volt. Electron volt is a unit of energy. It represents the dynamic energy obtained or the amount of potential energy lost when an electron (with a charge of E = - 1.6 * 10 ^ (- 19) C) changes (increases) one volt

What does EV mean in physics

It's an electron volt
Electron volt (EV) is the unit of energy. It represents the dynamic energy obtained or the amount of potential energy lost when an electron (charged e = - 1.6 * 10 ^ (- 19) coulombs (Coulomb)) changes (increases) one volt (volt) potential
1 eV = 1.60217653 (14) × 10 ^ (- 19) J (Joule joule)( Source:CODATA 2002 recommended values)

What is 1MeV in physics

1m = the sixth power of 10, that is one million!