Problems in the experiment of electrolyzing water In the electrolytic water experiment, there are three glass tubes a, B and C. tube a is positive, tube B is negative, and tube C is filled with water, which can flow to the positive and negative stages, that is, the one in the middle of them. Excuse me, when the power is on, what is the phenomenon in tube C? What is the reason for the phenomenon?

Problems in the experiment of electrolyzing water In the electrolytic water experiment, there are three glass tubes a, B and C. tube a is positive, tube B is negative, and tube C is filled with water, which can flow to the positive and negative stages, that is, the one in the middle of them. Excuse me, when the power is on, what is the phenomenon in tube C? What is the reason for the phenomenon?

Phenomenon: water surface rising in c-tube
Reason: because hydrogen and oxygen are produced in tubes a and B, the gas occupies the volume of the tube, so the water pressure is directed to tube C, causing the water surface of tube C to rise

Why is lightning on rainy days~

Storm clouds usually produce electric charge, the bottom layer is the negative charge, the top layer is the positive charge, and also produces the positive charge on the ground, moving with the cloud like shadow. Positive charge and negative charge attract each other, but the air is not a good conductor. Positive charge rushes to the top of trees, hills, tall buildings and even the human body, Finally, the positive and negative charges are finally connected by overcoming the air barrier. A huge current flows from the ground to the clouds along a conducting airway, producing a bright flash

On rainy days, do you hear thunder first or see lightning first?
What is it?

Of course, we see lightning first. Thunder is caused by lightning

How are lightning and thunder formed in rainy days? What happened first?

Because the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, we see electricity first and then hear thunder ~!