What are the following ways of energy conversion It's warm to eat food in winter Stir the water in the cup to make it warm Electric oven food

What are the following ways of energy conversion It's warm to eat food in winter Stir the water in the cup to make it warm Electric oven food

1. Conversion of chemical energy into internal energy
2. Conversion of mechanical energy into internal energy
3. Conversion of electric energy into internal energy

Energy conversion form
Energy conversion of automobile

In the engine, the chemical energy of the fuel is converted into internal energy, part of which is converted into the mechanical energy (mainly kinetic energy) of the piston crankshaft, and part of which is converted into the internal energy loss of the exhaust gas
The mechanical energy of the crankshaft is converted into the mechanical energy (kinetic energy) of the wheel, and the mechanical energy of the wheel is converted into the kinetic energy of the car
Of course, there is a lot of friction loss in the middle, which is converted into internal energy loss

Experimental steps of electrolyzing water

Experiment Name: electrolytic water experiment category: demonstration or student experiment improvement objective: the experiment of direct current angle dividing water is very important for the study of water composition

Why can't lightning be used to electrolyze water

The electricity used in electrolyzing water is direct current, that is, the magnitude and direction of current do not change with time
The magnitude and direction of lightning current change at any time, and the time is very short