After the invention, people will be able to convert other forms of energy into electricity on a large scale

After the invention, people will be able to convert other forms of energy into electricity on a large scale


Is electricity renewable?

Generally speaking, the energy generated under natural conditions will be related to whether it can be regenerated, such as coal, natural gas, oil, etc. when used up, it can not be regenerated (that is, regeneration is also an extremely long process, which may take hundreds of millions of years). However, electric energy can be transformed through other forms of energy, which is not naturally formed, Of course, lightning (a kind of high-voltage static electricity) is an exception} for example, in areas with rich coal resources, coal-fired power generation can be used (the heat energy generated by coal combustion can be converted into electric energy through a certain production process); in areas with rich water resources, the kinetic energy formed by water level drop can be converted into electric energy through hydro generators; in areas with rich wind power, it can also be used Wind power generation equipment is used to convert it into electric energy. For example, solar power generation is to convert the heat energy from the sun into electric energy through the solar absorption device. These are all energy conversion, not natural formation, so there is no regeneration, In general, the total amount of any energy on the earth will not change, but the form of its existence is constantly changing, What we usually say is to make good use of these energy sources is that we can use the existing means to transform them into various kinds of energy that we need for human survival, and don't let them be wasted. When they become other forms of energy that we can't use, they are a kind of "waste" that we can't use. Therefore, energy conservation is advocated all over the world, In order to make the limited natural energy more for human use, because these energy is not renewable, we should cherish!

Is electric energy renewable or non renewable
Some people say that electric energy is non renewable energy because dry batteries are not renewable after use. Others say that electric energy is renewable because wind power is renewable

It is secondary energy. Primary energy is divided into renewable and non renewable

Is electricity renewable?
What is the difference between renewable energy and non renewable energy?

No. after human development and utilization, for a long time, natural resources that can not be regenerated are called non renewable resources. They mainly refer to all kinds of minerals, rocks and fossil fuels in nature, such as peat, coal, oil, natural gas, metal minerals, non-metal minerals, etc

According to the chemistry book, most of the energy needed by human beings is generated by chemical reactions. The most common is the use of living fuels, such as cooking and heating with the energy generated by chemical reactions. In addition, people also use the energy generated by combustion and other chemical reactions to generate electricity, burn ceramics, smelt metals and launch rockets. I want to know which energy needed by human beings is generated by chemical reactions, Let's talk about reactants and products. I also want to know which domestic fuels are produced by chemical reactions? What chemical reactions are used for cooking and heating? How do people use the energy generated by chemical reactions such as combustion to generate electricity?

Thank you for not asking about the chemical reaction in the human body. The chemical reaction of combustion is mainly the combustion of organic matter. For example, in ancient times, wood was mainly used as fuel, and the most important component is c. the composition of coal is also mainly C, C + O2 = CO2. Now the gas used is petroleum cracking gas, including methane, ethane, ethylene, etc., and the main components are methane, CH4, CH4 + 2