Kneel for the electric cooker cooking, water and rice, electric cooker power, cooking time function. Thank you

Kneel for the electric cooker cooking, water and rice, electric cooker power, cooking time function. Thank you

You must be a scholar! Please don't be too inflexible, just try it once. After soaking in rice, it's basically half and half. You'll know after trying! The electric cooker is very easy to use now! There are instructions

Do high power consumers consume more energy than low power consumers?
Is this proposition correct? Seek expert solution ~ ~ urgent!

High power consumers do not necessarily consume more energy than low power consumers
Because the above refers to the rated power, the actual power depends on the actual situation
On the other hand, it depends on the working hours of electrical appliances

Examples of conversion of internal energy into chemical energy

Combustion is the conversion of internal energy into chemical energy, the release of light and heat, and even nuclear fission and fusion
The metabolism of animals and plants is actually the mutual transformation of chemical energy and internal energy, such as respiration

Examples of chemical and internal energy conversion

Burning iron plate with natural gas: part of the chemical energy of natural gas combustion is converted into heat energy of iron plate