Mechanical energy, electric energy, internal energy, light energy and chemical energy

Mechanical energy, electric energy, internal energy, light energy and chemical energy

By definition
Mechanical energy: the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of a body in mechanical motion
Electric energy: the work done by an electric current through an electric appliance
Internal energy: the sum of kinetic energy and molecular potential energy of all molecules in an object moving irregularly
Light energy: single photon e = HR; large scale calculation of light energy is often carried out with the energy obtained after conversion (such as conversion into heat energy)
Chemical energy: energy produced by chemical change (combustion = chemical energy converted into heat energy)
These energies can be directly or indirectly transformed into each other

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It should be OK, I've done it. However, electrical products must have better brands. If the service life is too long, good brands will also have problems! Just do a good job in circuit protection!