Before the discovery of electromagnetic induction (electricity generated by magnetic energy), how do people use electricity and what kind of electricity is used to discover electricity generating magnetism?

Before the discovery of electromagnetic induction (electricity generated by magnetic energy), how do people use electricity and what kind of electricity is used to discover electricity generating magnetism?

Before electromagnetic induction, human beings had no electricity. Only a few scientists used chemical batteries to do some experiments
Electromagnetism is produced by the chemical battery, through the current, degaussing needle rotation, found the electric energy to generate magnetism

The birds in the sky have
1 kinetic energy
2 potential energy
Kinetic energy and potential energy

I'll explain it in a popular way
Kinetic energy means that when something is moving, it has kinetic energy
Potential energy means height. Height means potential energy
Although this is not standard enough, can not be used for written expression, but it is very convenient to do multiple-choice questions

Birds can be seen in the sky, what can be seen on the ground?

Birds can be seen in the sky and grass can be seen on the ground

There are many birds in the air

There are many flying birds in the air.