The following appliances are used in our daily life, and the energy is obtained by chemical reaction: (1) microwave oven; (2) gas water heater; (3) electric stove; (4) alcohol lamp; (5) solar cooker A. ①②③B. ①④⑤C. ②④D. ②⑤

The following appliances are used in our daily life, and the energy is obtained by chemical reaction: (1) microwave oven; (2) gas water heater; (3) electric stove; (4) alcohol lamp; (5) solar cooker A. ①②③B. ①④⑤C. ②④D. ②⑤

① There is no chemical change with the help of electromagnetic wave. 2. Chemical change occurs when natural gas is burned. 3. Electric energy is converted into heat energy. 4. Alcohol lamp gets energy by burning alcohol. 5. Solar energy is used

The basic purpose of carrying out chemical research is to obtain useful substances by chemical reactions, and to obtain heat, light and electricity by chemical reactions. Please give examples respectively

The former includes the development of new drugs and new functional materials, while the latter includes the development of various new batteries (solar cells, fuel cells, etc.) and the preparation of new storage materials