&#How to calculate the energy contained in plasma (unit joule) How to calculate the energy contained in plasma (unit joule). If not, is the energy produced by nuclear fusion plasma?

&#How to calculate the energy contained in plasma (unit joule) How to calculate the energy contained in plasma (unit joule). If not, is the energy produced by nuclear fusion plasma?

I don't know how to calculate, but it can be said that the energy carrier produced by nuclear fusion is mainly plasma. Because of the super natural high temperature produced by fusion reaction, all matter bodies can only exist as plasma
However, with the gradual application of human controlled artificial nuclear fusion experiments, we may be able to continuously output heat energy without producing ultra-high temperature, just like the already used controlled nuclear fission

The relationship between ampere force and Joule heat?

Joule heat is equal to the work done by Ampere force

Angle a plus angle B equals 90 degrees, angle B plus angle c equals 90 degrees, angle a equals angle c, why

The remainder of an equal angle is equal
The proof is as follows:
Because ∠ B = ∠ B
And ∠ a + B = 90 ° and ∠ C + B = 90 °
Therefore, a = C