Unit of electricity consumption: how to convert kilowatt to kilowatt?

Unit of electricity consumption: how to convert kilowatt to kilowatt?

KW. H = one kilowatt, that is to say, one kilowatt of equipment uses one kilowatt of electricity per hour

How to convert kilowatt hour into ten thousand watt hour? What is the formula?
How much is 118500 kwh converted into 10000 watt hours? What is the formula?

This is not simple? The watt unit has changed, ten times, 1 kwh = 10000 watt hours
118500 kwh = 118.5 million kwh

[unit conversion] 3960000w / S = () kWh


How to convert the power consumption data of the State Grid? For example, how many kilowatt hours is the total power of a day equal to

One kilowatt hour is what we call one kilowatt hour, that is, one kilowatt hour. So 10.9 kilowatt hour is 10.9 kilowatt hour
This quantity has nothing to do with your electricity consumption time! You use 10.9 kwh in one day and 10.9 kwh in 10 days, and the electricity consumption is 10.9 kwh
Also, this has nothing to do with the State Grid, the world is so calculated