At present, there are three light bulbs of a "220 V 100 W", B "110 V 100 W" and C "36 V 100 W". Which lamp works best under the rated voltage

At present, there are three light bulbs of a "220 V 100 W", B "110 V 100 W" and C "36 V 100 W". Which lamp works best under the rated voltage

It's the same light, because it's all 100W

Connect the small bulb marked with 220 V and 110 w to 110 v. what is the actual power and process

R = u square / P = 220 V square / 110 = 440 Ω P = u square / r = 110 V square / 440 Ω = 27.5 w

Can a 110V 100W bulb and a 110V 40W bulb be connected to a 220V line? Why?

In parallel, the voltage is equal
If they are connected to a 220 V line, the voltages of the two bulbs are equal, and they are equal to the power supply voltage, which is 220 v. in this way, they are far beyond the rated voltage of the bulbs, and the two bulbs will be burned