How to convert energy (J) to kilowatt hour 1 kilowatt hour = 3.6 x 10 sixth power J I know, What else is not the whole

How to convert energy (J) to kilowatt hour 1 kilowatt hour = 3.6 x 10 sixth power J I know, What else is not the whole

For example, when 0.2 kwh is converted into joules, you can use 0.2 x 3600000 J = 720000 J to do it, OK?
7200000 joules = 7200000 divided by 3600000 = 2 kwh,
36000 joules = 36000 divided by 3600000 = 0.01 kWh

How to convert kilowatt hour into gigajoule
1 kwh = () gigajoules? Don't talk nonsense. I'll help you,

1kwh = 1000 * 3600 = 3.6mj
1 gigajoule = 1000mj
1 kwh = 0.0036 GJ

How many kilowatts is the rated capacity of power transformer 2000kVA?
How many kilowatts is the rated capacity of 10kV power transformer 2000kVA converted into power? Do you know?

The total power is 2000 kW. Here, KVA is used instead of kW, which means that the power includes the active power and reactive power through the transformer
In theory, when the power factor is 1, it can pass the active power of 2000 kW
KVA represents the total power (active + reactive), while kW only represents the active power, that is, the energy that can be consumed