All the formulas in the chapter of electric power

All the formulas in the chapter of electric power

(1) series circuit P (electric power) U (voltage) I (current) w (electric work) r (resistance) t (time)
The current is equal everywhere, I1 = I2 = I
The total voltage is equal to the sum of the voltages at both ends of each consumer, u = U1 + U2
The total resistance is equal to the sum of the resistances r = R1 + R2
The total electric work is equal to the sum of the electric work w = W1 + W2
The total power is equal to the sum of the powers, P = P1 + P2
(2) parallel circuit
The total current is equal to the sum of the currents I = I1 + I2
The voltage is equal everywhere U1 = U1 = U
The total resistance is equal to the product of the resistances divided by the sum of the resistances r = r1r2 △ (R1 + R2)
The total electric work is equal to the sum of the electric work w = W1 + W2
The total power is equal to the sum of the powers, P = P1 + P2
(3) electric power of the same electrical appliance
① The ratio of rated power to actual power is equal to the square of rated voltage to actual voltage, PE / PS = (UE / US)
2. Formula of circuit
(1) resistance R
① Resistance is equal to the density of the material multiplied by (length divided by cross-sectional area) r = density × (L △ s)
② Resistance is equal to voltage divided by current R = u △ I
③ The resistance is equal to the square of the voltage divided by the electric power r = UU △ P
(2) electric power W
Electric work is equal to current times voltage times time w = uit (common formula)
Electric work is equal to electric power times time w = Pt
Electric work is equal to charge times voltage w = QT
Electric work is equal to the square of current times resistance times time w = I × IRT (pure resistance circuit)
Electric work is equal to the square of voltage divided by resistance and then multiplied by time w = u &; u △ R × t (same as above)
(3) electric power p
① Electric power is equal to voltage times current, P = UI
② Electric power is equal to the square of current multiplied by resistance P = IIR (pure resistance circuit)
③ The electric power is equal to the square of the voltage divided by the resistance P = UU △ R (as above)
④ Electric power is equal to electric work divided by time p = w: T
(4) electric heating Q
Electric heating is equal to the square of electric current, which is resistance times time q = iirt (common formula)
Electric heating is equal to current times voltage times time q = uit = w (pure resistance circuit)

What is the formula of physical electric power?

Definition formula: P = w / T = uit / T = UI; (W: electric work, t: time)