The electric energy meter is marked with 3000r / kW · h. The primary electric appliance works alone, and the dial turns 150 turns in 10 minutes to calculate the electric power of the electric appliance

The electric energy meter is marked with 3000r / kW · h. The primary electric appliance works alone, and the dial turns 150 turns in 10 minutes to calculate the electric power of the electric appliance

The number of revolutions per hour is 60 / 10x150 = 900. Because every 3000 revolutions consumes one kilowatt of electric energy, the electric power is equal to 900 / 3000 = 0.3 kilowatt = 300 Watt

There are "3000imp / kW · H", "220V & nbsp; & nbsp; 5A" and other information on the dial of the pulse electric energy meter. Every 3000 flashes of the indicator light of the meter, the power consumption in the circuit is 1kW · h. If the Xiaoming family uses a "220V & nbsp; & nbsp; 100W" electric light to work normally for one hour, the power consumption of the electric light is 1kW · H______ J. The light is flashing______ Times

The electric energy consumed by the electric lamp is w = Pt = 0.1kw × 1H = 0.1kw · H = 3.6 × 105J, and the number of flashes of the indicator lamp is 0.1kw · h13000imp / kW · H = 300imp

There is an electrical power: 25W, if you use it 24 hours a day, how many kilowatt hours do you need?

Primary power = 1000WH (w * h)
So 25W * 24h = 0.6 kwh = 0.6 degree

Count the power of all electrical appliances in your home. If you use electricity at the same time, is the meter overloaded? If so, what measures do you plan to take?

Generally, the electric energy meter will not be overloaded. If the electric energy meter is overloaded, how can it be measured? The overload can only be the fuse or short circuit switch, and the fuse or larger load switch should be replaced