Use an energy meter to measure the hourly electricity consumption of household appliances Give me the measured data, calculation process and results,

Use an energy meter to measure the hourly electricity consumption of household appliances Give me the measured data, calculation process and results,

The method of indirectly measuring the actual power consumption of electrical appliances with an electric energy meter. Turn off other electrical appliances passing through the electric energy meter, connect only the electrical appliances to be measured to the circuit, and record the revolutions of the dial of the electric energy meter, According to the number of revolutions and time of the dial and the words marked on the watt hour meter, the actual power of the appliance can be calculated. Example 2: if you have an energy meter with 3000 rpm on the dial in your home circuit, and you have a stopwatch on hand, such as "measuring the actual power of an incandescent lamp in your home"; (1) write down the measurement method and the quantity to be measured; Write out the mathematical expression to calculate the electric power of the bulb according to the measured quantity

When the household electrical appliances work, the more the meter turns, the greater the working electrical appliances
How to fill in those two blanks?

When household appliances work, the faster the watt hour meter turns, the greater the power of working appliances