How to calculate the electricity consumption per hour?

How to calculate the electricity consumption per hour?

Dividing the power of an electrical appliance by 1000 is the power consumption of an hour. Conversely, dividing the power of an electrical appliance by 1000 is the power consumption of a kilowatt hour. For a 100 watt bulb, 100 / 1000 = 0.1 is the power consumption of an hour, and 1000 / 100 = 10 is the power consumption of a kilowatt hour

When installing a home circuit, there should be a master switch, an energy meter and a fuse box from the incoming line to the electrical appliance. What is the order of their arrangement______ 、______ 、______ .

The main switch controls the whole circuit. In order to facilitate the maintenance of the circuit, it is necessary to install the back of the energy meter. In the circuit, if the current is too high, the fuse will fuse. In order to replace the fuse, the fuse box is installed behind the main switch. So the answer is: energy meter; main switch; fuse box

What is the connection relationship between the electric energy meter and the electrical appliances in the home circuit?

Watt hour meter is to get the product of power P and time, that is w = Pt, the unit is kilowatt hour, that is degree
It should be connected in front of all electrical appliances, switch fuse, etc