Mobile Internet 25821kb about how many megabytes? Equal to how many MB? How to calculate the flow?

Mobile Internet 25821kb about how many megabytes? Equal to how many MB? How to calculate the flow?

25821kb is about 25.2 megabytes, MB is megabytes, traffic calculation is 1TB = 1024gb, 1GB = 1024MB, 1MB = 1024KB, 1KB = 1024b, mobile Internet traffic is calculated according to 1024 decimal

Conversion of liters to other units

1L = 1000ml international standard unit
1L = 33.81402 oz (US) = 1.05669 = 0.26417 gal (US) = 4.22675 cups
One liter is also one liter, which is popular
Liter is the unit of liquid volume, which is converted to the unit of ordinary volume
1L = 1 cubic decimeter (liter) = 0.001 cubic meter = 1000 cubic centimeter (ML)

Water flow unit conversion 100m3 / h = L / min, thank you


As shown in the figure, for the understanding of some parameters on the electric energy meter panel, the following statement is wrong ()
A. At this time, the reading of the electric energy meter is 120.7 degrees. B. "220 V" means that the electric energy meter should be used in a 220 V circuit. C. "10 (20) a" means that the normal working current of the electric energy meter is 10 A or 20 A. D. "600 R / kW · H" means that the rotary table of the electric energy meter turns 600 turns every 1 kwh of electric energy consumed by the electric appliance

A. At this time, the reading of the watt hour meter is 120.7 degrees, which is correct and does not conform to the meaning of the title. B. "220 V" means that the watt hour meter should be used in 220 V circuit. C. "10 (20) a" means that the normal working current of the watt hour meter is 10 A or 20 A, which is wrong. It should be that the maximum allowable current of the watt hour meter is 10 A and the watt hour meter is short D. "600r / kW · H" means that every 1 kilowatt hour of electric energy consumed by an electric appliance, the rotary table of the electric energy meter turns 600 turns, which is not in line with the meaning

In the eighth grade, the outline and examples of physical electric power review should be as detailed as possible, with more words

In physics, electric power is used to express the speed of consuming electric energy. Electric power is expressed by P, and its unit is watt (WA), and the symbol is w. the work done by current in unit time is called electric power. Take light bulb as an example, the higher the electric power is, the brighter the light bulb is

Weekly exercise of electric work and power (1)
Weekly exercise of electric work and power
Name___________ Class____________
1、 Fill in the blanks (2 points for each blank, 38 points in total)
1. The watt hour meter is a measuring instrument____________ 1kwh of electric energy can be used for the bulb marked with "220V 40W" to work normally_________ h.
2. When a conductor is connected to 6V, it consumes 6W of power, and the resistance of the conductor is__________ Ω, change it to 3V, and the power of this conductor is___________ W.
3. Parallel two conductors A and B in the circuit, if their resistance ratio is RA: RB = 5:4, then their power ratio is pa: Pb=_________ If they are connected in series in the circuit, the ratio of electric power PA of conductor a to electric power Pb of conductor B is pa: Pb=___________ .
4. A bulb marked with "pz220-40" is connected to the lighting circuit and normally emits light. The current passing through it is________ A. What is the power consumed________ W.
5. If a "12V 6W" small bulb is connected to 36V power supply, it is necessary to connect one in series to make it shine normally__________ Ω, the power consumed by the resistor is__________ W.
6. In the circuit shown in the figure, when the power supply voltage is 6V and the switch S is off, the indication of the ammeter is 0.5A, then the resistance value of R2 is__________ Ω, what is the power consumed by R1___________ W. What is the power consumption of the whole circuit in two seconds___________ J.
7. The name plate of an electric water heater is marked with "220V, 1000W". When it is electrified for one hour, the consumed electric energy is___________ What is the internal energy transformed into___________ J.
8. The process of electric current work is to convert electric energy into electricity___________ The process of energy transfer
9. A household electric energy meter is shown in the figure. When all the household appliances are working, the electric energy meter turns 50 turns in one minute. From this, we can estimate the total power of all the household appliances___________ W. If the total current of all electrical appliances does not exceed the rated current of the meter, it can be increased___________ Electrical appliances under W
10. The following table is the name plate of an electric kettle. It can be seen from the name plate that the current passing through the electric kettle under the rated voltage is___________ A (keep one decimal place)
Model sp-988, rated power 1500W
Rated voltage 220 V rated frequency 50 Hz
Rated capacity 1.6L
2、 Multiple choice questions (3 points for each question, 33 points in total)
In physics, "kilowatt hour" is the unit of which of the following physical quantities ()
A. Electric power
B. Electric work
C. Resistance
D. Time
12. Xiaogang uses an electric energy meter to measure the electric power of a household appliance. When only the appliance in the circuit works, the measured energy consumption is 0.3 kwh within 15 minutes. The appliance may be ()
A. Air conditioner
B. Refrigerator
C. Television
D. Incandescent lamp
13. There are three incandescent lamps. A is marked with "pz220-15", B is marked with "pz220-40", C is marked with "pz220-100". When they are connected to household appliances, the normal working luminous condition is ()
A. A lamp is the brightest
B. B light is the brightest
C. C lamp is the brightest
D. Same brightness
14. Connect the lamp L1 marked with "12V 12W" and the lamp L2 marked with "12V 6W" in series in the circuit with the power supply voltage of 12V
A. Both L1 and L2 lamps can light normally
B. Both L1 and L2 can't work normally, but L2 is relatively bright
C. Both L1 and L2 can't work normally, but L1 is bright
D. If the power supply voltage is raised to 24 V, both L1 and L2 lamps can light up normally
15. An electric fan and an electric iron, if the current work is the same, the electric energy is converted into internal energy ()
A. Just as much
B. More fans
C. More electric irons
D. Can't compare
16. For the two incandescent lamps in use in the home circuit, if lamp a is brighter than lamp B, then ()
A. The filament resistance of lamp a must be higher than that of lamp B
B. The voltage at both ends of lamp a must be higher than that of lamp B
C. The current must do more work for lamp a than lamp B
D. The actual power of Gardon must be higher than that of B lamp
17. As shown in the figure, both the supply voltage and the resistance of the lamp L remain unchanged. When the switch S is closed, the following statement is correct during the sliding process of the scribing P of the rheostat from the midpoint
A. The voltmeter shows more
B. The light L is dim
C. The indication of ammeter A1 remains unchanged
D. The indication of ammeter A2 becomes smaller

Name____ You're a little lazy, aren't you___ Class____ Too lazy to learn well, let's do the rest by ourselves
1、 Fill in the blanks (2 points for each blank, 38 points in total)
1. The watt hour meter is a measuring instrument__ Electric energy___ 1kwh of electric energy can be used for the bulb marked with "220V 40W" to work normally___ 25___ h.
2. When a conductor is connected to 6V, it consumes 6W of power, and the resistance of the conductor is___ 6____ Ω, change it to 3V, and the power of this conductor is____ 1.5____ W.
3. Parallel two conductors A and B in the circuit, if their resistance ratio is RA: RB = 5:4, then their power ratio is pa: Pb=__ 5:4_ If they are connected in series in a circuit
2、 Multiple choice questions (3 points for each question, 33 points in total)
11. In physics, "kwh" is the unit of which of the following physical quantities (b)
A. Electric power
B. Electric work
C. Resistance
D. Time
12. Xiaogang uses an electric energy meter to measure the electric power of a household appliance. When only this consumer in the circuit works, the measured energy consumption is 0.3 kwh within 15 minutes. This consumer may be (a)
A. Air conditioner
B. Refrigerator
C. Television
D. Incandescent lamp
13. There are three incandescent lamps. A is marked with "pz220-15", B is marked with "pz220-40", C is marked with "pz220-100". When they are connected to household appliances, the normal working luminous condition is (c)
A. A lamp is the brightest
B. B light is the brightest
C. C lamp is the brightest
D. Same brightness
14. Connect the lamp L1 marked with "12V 12W" and the lamp L2 marked with "12V 6W" in series in the circuit with the power supply voltage of 12V. The correct statement is (b)
A. Both L1 and L2 lamps can light normally
B. Both L1 and L2 can't work normally, but L2 is relatively bright
C. Both L1 and L2 can't work normally, but L1 is bright
D. If the power supply voltage is raised to 24 V, both L1 and L2 lamps can light up normally
15. An electric fan and an electric iron, if the current does the same work, the electric energy is converted into internal energy (c)
A. Just as much
B. More fans
C. More electric irons
D. Can't compare
16. For two incandescent lamps in use in household circuit, if lamp a is brighter than lamp B, then (d)
A. The filament resistance of lamp a must be higher than that of lamp B
B. The voltage at both ends of lamp a must be higher than that of lamp B
C. The current must do more work for lamp a than lamp B
D. The actual power of Gardon must be higher than that of B lamp

Need exercises on electric power

Yes, but no answer

Electric power exercise
There are two small bulbs marked with "6, 2", "12, 8" respectively. If they are connected in series in the circuit, so that one of them can light normally, then the voltage applied to both ends of the series circuit is () why?
A.6 B.12 C.18 D.24
Resistance data can be worked out, r = UU / P I calculate is 12, I don't know if it's right, U1 amount = 6V, P1 amount = 2W, U2 amount = 12V, P2 amount = 8V, isn't that right

The same voltage level bulb, different power, different resistance; series circuit added to the bulb at both ends of the voltage and resistance related; "6,2" "12,8" words such as voltage without resistance data can not be calculated!
Without power data, how can we calculate the resistance?
The bulbs we use are all 220 v. the resistance of 100 W bulb is different from that of 25 W bulb!
Your 6.2 and 12.8 have no clear meaning! I regard them as 6.2V and 12.8v. For example, the former represents voltage and the latter represents power W, which can be used to calculate resistance. I didn't say that we need power data before!
The resistance values of the two small bulbs are the same, both are 18 Ω;
To make one of them shine normally, the voltage applied to both ends of the series circuit is (12V);
Two resistors with the same resistance are connected in series, and the voltage on each resistor is half of the total voltage; the total voltage is 12V, and the voltage on each resistor is 6V, and one bulb can only withstand 6V

Conversion of mathematical units
5060m = () km 6300m = () km () M
7 km 90 m = () M = () km
5.5 ha = () m2 40500 M2 = () ha
8 square meters, 6 square decimeters = () cubic meters = () square decimeters

5060m = (0.00506) km 6300m = (6) km (300) M
7 km 90 m = (7090) M = (7.09) km
5.5 ha = (55000) m2 40500 M2 = (4.05) ha
8 square meters 6 square decimeters = (8.06) cubic meters = (806) square decimeters

Mathematics unit conversion
Six and three seventh hours = () days
