1km/min=?km/h=?m/h=?km/s= m/s

1km/min=?km/h=?m/h=?km/s= m/s

1km/min=60km/h=60000m/h=1/60km/s(0.0167)= 50/3m/s(16.67)

08 km / min = () m / s, or () km / h


(1 / 2) unit conversion: 72km / h = () m / s 1m / S = () m / s 340m / S = () km / h 30cm / min = () m / s please write the calculation results

72km / h = (20) m / s 1m / S = (1) m / s 340m / S = (1224) km / h 30cm / min = (0.005) m / s please write the calculation results

Unit conversion 72km / h = m / s 54m / S = km / h


Physical unit conversion 18km / h = m / s, 20m / S=
Physical unit conversion: 18km / h = m / s, 20m / S = km / h, 50cm / S = km / h

18km/h=(18000/3600 )=5m/s 20m/s= 0.02*3600=72 km/h 50cm/s=0.0005*3600=1.8km/h

Unit conversion 54km / h=______  m/s,5m/s=______  km/h.

54km / h = 54 × 1000m3600s = 54 × 13.6m/s = 15m / S; 5m / S = 11000km13600h = 5 × 3.6km/h = 18km / h; so the answer is: 15; 18

How many hours is 15min, and how many seconds is 1H

15/60=0.25 1h=60min=60*60s=3600s

Basic concepts of Physics
What's the difference between two seconds and the second? Thank you
What's the difference between 2 seconds and 2 seconds? Thank you

Two seconds is a period of time, the second second second is a point of time
Moving two meters in two seconds means the average speed is one meter per second
Two meters in the second second, which means the speed is two meters per second

Basic concepts
Put a bottle of water into an object with weight of G, immerse it, and the water does not overflow. How much pressure does it increase on the bottom of the bottle?

There is also a lack of pressure, because the water level of the object immersed in the water increases, so the bottom of the bottle is also subject to the pressure caused by the rising water level, which is just equal to the buoyancy F, so the pressure on the bottom of the bottle should be G-F + F = G
The answer should be g

The component of the external force in the direction parallel to the velocity changes the velocity
The component of the external force in the direction perpendicular to the velocity changes the direction of the velocity

First of all, we need to understand the principle of independent action of force: the action of any component of the resultant force has nothing to do with the action of other components. Then, the process of decomposing the resultant force is actually a process of simplifying the force analysis. Because if the resultant force is not collinear with the velocity of the object, then the resultant force must have two effects, namely, the change speed is large