How long is two inches? How many centimeters is two feet

How long is two inches? How many centimeters is two feet

Hello, I'm glad to answer that one inch is equal to 10 / 3 cm, about 3.33 cm, so two inches is 20 / 3, about 6.6667 cm, one foot = 100 cm / 3, about 33.33 cm, so two feet is 200 cm / 3, about 66.. 6667 cm. Please support our correct answer, thank you
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How many centimeters is two feet three?
Now we often say the waist of the ruler!

The ruler of that era?
In the Shang Dynasty, one foot is 16.95cm. According to this scale, the height of a person is about one foot, so it is called "husband";
In the Zhou Dynasty, one foot was 23.1cm;
In Qin Dynasty, one foot was about 23.1cm;
In Han Dynasty, one foot was about 21.35-23.75cm;
In the Three Kingdoms, one foot is 24.2cm;
In the Southern Dynasties, one foot was about 25.8 cm;
In the Northern Wei Dynasty, one foot is 30.9cm;
In Sui Dynasty, one foot is 29.6cm;
In Tang Dynasty, one foot is 30.7cm;
In song and Yuan Dynasties, one foot was 31.68cm;
In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, carpentry was 31.1cm
Because I don't know which era of ruler, so please LZ to find out the useful conversion under
If it's according to the current ruler
1 foot = 33.33333... Cm
So 2.3 feet is about 76.7cm~
Modify the answer and you'll be the last one. T.T

How many centimeters is two feet?

In ancient times, one foot was about 23 cm`
It's 33.3 centimeters a foot

How many centimeters is two feet five?

1 foot = 33.3 cm

How many centimeters is two feet seven?
I want the method of calculation

Three feet is about one meter, one foot is about 33.3333 Centimeter, three inches is about ten centimeters, one inch is about 3.33 centimeters. So, according to the above conversion, calculate by yourself

How many millimeters is one centimeter?

One centimeter is ten millimeters

How many centimeters is a decimeter?

I tell you 1 meter = 10 decimeters = 100 centimeters = 1000 millimeters 1 millimeter = 10 meters = 100 silk meters = 1000 microns = 1000000 sodium

Unit conversion: how many kilograms is 5 liters?
How many kilos is five liters of paint?

5 cm = 5 kg = 10 kg
One liter = 1000 grams = = 1 kilogram. In this way, 1 cubic centimeter of water = 1 gram and 1 liter of water is 1000 cubic centimeter = 1 kilogram

How many square kilometers is one meter equal to

You've confused the concept. Meter is length. Square kilometer is area

How many milliseconds equals one second

1000 milliseconds is one second