If the base of isosceles triangle is 5cm and the perimeter is 20cm, then the other two sides are () cm and () cm respectively

If the base of isosceles triangle is 5cm and the perimeter is 20cm, then the other two sides are () cm and () cm respectively

Because the perimeter is 20cm, the length of the other two sides is (20-5) △ 2 = 7.5. Because it is isosceles, the length of both sides is 7.5cm

The circumference of isosceles triangle is 18cm, one side is 5cm, the other two sides are 5cm______ .

① When 5cm is the waist length, the bottom edge is 18-5 × 2 = 8cm, so the other two sides are 5cm and 8cm; when 5cm is the bottom edge, the waist length is 12 (18-5) = 6.5cm, so the other two sides are 6.5cm and 6.5cm. To sum up, the other two sides are 5cm, 8cm or 6.5cm and 6.5cm

The three sides of a triangle differ in length by 5 in turn. The perimeter is 120cm. How long is the shortest side

Let the length of the middle side be x, then the shortest side is X-5 and the longest side is x + 5
According to the meaning of the title, X-5 + X + X + 5 = 120, the solution is x = 40
So the shortest side length is 40-5 = 35 cm~