The distance between Xiao Li and Xiao Hong is 910 meters. They start from home and arrive at school at the same time in 7 minutes. Xiao Li walks 60 meters per minute. How much does Xiao Hong walk per minute

The distance between Xiao Li and Xiao Hong is 910 meters. They start from home and arrive at school at the same time in 7 minutes. Xiao Li walks 60 meters per minute. How much does Xiao Hong walk per minute

910 divided by 7 equals 130 meters, that is, Xiao Li and Xiao Hong walk 130 meters in one minute, 130 minus 60 equals 70 meters, that is, Xiao Hong walks 70 meters per minute

Xiao Li's home is 1600 meters away from school. After school, she walks home. At the same time, her mother rides a bike to pick her up. Eight minutes later, they meet. Xiao Li's speed is faster than her mother's
A quarter of the speed. How many meters does Xiao Li walk per minute

=40 m / min

Xiaohong's writing speed is 20% faster than Xiaoli's

Xiao Hong writes 120% faster than Xiao Li

Xiaohong traveled 2 / 5km in 8 minutes and Xiaoli 3 / 7km in 9 minutes. Which one of them is faster
-------------It's better to give the answer now

2 / 5 / 8 = 0.05 km / min Xiaohong
3 / 7 / 9 = 0.048 per kilometer per minute, Xiaoli Xiaohong's speed is faster than Xiaoli's