Xiaohong walks 60 meters every minute from home to school. The school is 5400 meters away from Xiaohong's home. Xiaohong leaves home for school at 6:20. After walking for 10 minutes, she forgets to bring her red scarf. So she runs home at 80 meters per minute and goes to school at the same speed. Can Xiaohong get to school at 8:00?

Xiaohong walks 60 meters every minute from home to school. The school is 5400 meters away from Xiaohong's home. Xiaohong leaves home for school at 6:20. After walking for 10 minutes, she forgets to bring her red scarf. So she runs home at 80 meters per minute and goes to school at the same speed. Can Xiaohong get to school at 8:00?

(60 × 10 + 5400) △ 80 + 10 = (600 + 5400) △ 80 + 10, = 6000 △ 80 + 10, = 75 + 10, = 85 (minutes). 85 minutes = 1 hour and 25 minutes. 6:20 + 1 hour and 25 minutes = 7:45 minutes. That is, Xiaohong can get to school at 7:45 minutes. A: Xiaohong can get to school at 8:00

It took Xiaohong 10 minutes to get from home to school and 8 minutes to return home from school. The speed has been improved______ %

The solution is (18-110) △ 110, = (540-440) × 10, = 140 × 10, = 25%; so the answer is: 25%

Xiaohong, Xiaodong and Xiaoli took out the same amount of money to buy the same exercise books. After buying them, Xiaohong and Xiaodong took six more than Xiaoli,
So each of them returned Xiaoli 0.8 yuan,

Let's suppose that three people should have taken x each, but Xiao Hong and Xiao Dong actually took x + a
Xiao Li took x + a-6
Xiaohong and Xiaodong have to pay 2 extra copies, which is 0.8 yuan
0.8/2 = 0.4 yuan
The unit price is 0.4 yuan

The following is the weight of 5 students in class 1 of a primary school: Xiaoqiang 23kg, Xiaoli 21kg, Xiaodong 25kg, Xiaobing 24kg, Xiaohong 22kg
If their average weight is 0, what are the weights of the five students? Xiaoqiang (), Xiaoli (), Xiaodong (), Xiaobing (), Xiaohong(

If their average weight is 0, what are the weights of the five students? Xiaoqiang (0), Xiaoli (- 2), Xiaodong (2), Xiaobing (1), Xiaohong (- 1)?