Xiaoli and Xiaolan play rope skipping. Xiaoli jumps four times as many as Xiaolan. Xiaolan jumps 39 times as many as Xiaoli. How many does Xiaolan jump?

Xiaoli and Xiaolan play rope skipping. Xiaoli jumps four times as many as Xiaolan. Xiaolan jumps 39 times as many as Xiaoli. How many does Xiaolan jump?

Xiaolan jumped 39 / 3 = 13
Xiaoli jumped 13 + 39 = 52

Xiaolan and Xiaoli jump rope. Xiaolan jumps 245 times in three times. Xiaoli jumps 91 times in the first two times on average. How many times does Xiaoli have to jump in the third time to surpass Xiaolan
Write out the formula for calculation

At least 64 jumps, because 245-91x2 = 63, 63 is equal, to surpass at least 64

Xiaoli has 12 more color pictures than Xiaolan, which is just 310 times of Xiaolan's. how many color pictures does Xiaolan have? How many do Xiao Li have?

12 △ 310 = 40 (sheets); 40 + 12 = 52 (sheets); a: Xiaolan has 40 color pictures, Xiaoli has 52

Xiaolan and Xiaoli walk to school. Xiaolan travels 60m per minute and Xiaoli travels 48m per minute. How much faster is Xiaolan than Xiaoli per minute
How much slower

25 percent faster, 20 percent slower