Lulu's father and mother work in different units. October 1 is a day for father and mother to rest together. Father works for three days and has one day off, Mom works for 5 days and takes a day off. How many days do they have to rest together in this month

Lulu's father and mother work in different units. October 1 is a day for father and mother to rest together. Father works for three days and has one day off, Mom works for 5 days and takes a day off. How many days do they have to rest together in this month

Dad works three days and takes one day off, which is 4
Mother works five days and takes one day off, which is six,
Look for the common multiple of 4 and 6. Since we had a rest together on the 1st, the common multiple of 4 and 6 plus 1 is the date when mom and dad have a rest together

Today is April 13, my little father and mother are at home to rest. My father has a two-day rest and my mother has a three-day rest
When is the next time for two people to have a rest at home

It's the 25th. Dad has a rest on the third day, and mom has a rest on the fourth day. Take the least common multiple of three and four. No. 12.13 is at home, and another 12 days is the next time to be at home. No. 25!

Xiao Ming's mother takes a day off after one day's work, and her father takes a day off after two days' work. May 28 is their common day off, and their next day off
What is the rest day

Rest together
June 3rd

My parents rest at home. My mother works 6 days in a row and takes 1 day off. My father works 5 days in a row and takes 1 day off. What day should my parents rest at home next time

Mom has seven days off and dad has six days off
So the next time is 6 × 7 = 42 days
42 △ 7 integer division
So next time it's the same as today
But you didn't say what day it was today