Xiaoqiang scored 5 points more than 9 out of 8 in Xiaoli's test. How much did Xiaoli do in math?

Xiaoqiang scored 5 points more than 9 out of 8 in Xiaoli's test. How much did Xiaoli do in math?

Xiaoli: (95-5) △ 9 / 8 = 80 points

I got 98 points in Xiaoming's math test. He got five points more than nine eighths of Xiaoli's test score. How much did Xiaoli get in the math test

She scored x on the exam

Xiaoqiang scored 95 points in the math test. Xiaoqiang scored 5 points more than 8 out of 9 in Xiaoli's test. How many points did Xiaoli score
