Xiaohong has m storybooks. Xiaoli has 5 more than Xiaohong, and Xiaohong has 4 more than Xiaofang. How many storybooks do Xiaohong, Xiaoli and Xiaofang have on average? Find the formula and write the equation

Xiaohong has m storybooks. Xiaoli has 5 more than Xiaohong, and Xiaohong has 4 more than Xiaofang. How many storybooks do Xiaohong, Xiaoli and Xiaofang have on average? Find the formula and write the equation

Xiaoli has books = m + 5
Xiaofang has books = M-4
Average number of books
=(1 / 3 of M-3)

Xiao Hong and Xiao Li buy the same book. Xiao Hong is short of 2.4 yuan and Xiao Li is short of 3.6 yuan. If they buy the book together, the money is just right. How much is the book?

2.4 + 3.6 = 6 yuan

Xiaoli has 20 flowers. After giving Xiaofang three, they both have the same number of flowers. How many flowers does Xiaofang have?


Xiao Li has seven flowers and Xiao Hong has six

How many more flowers does Xiao Li have than Xiao Hong? 7-6 = 1
How many flowers are Xiao Li and Xiao Hong? 7 + 6 = 13