Xiao Hong and Xiao Ming study together. When they solve a set of equations {ax + 5Y = 15,4x-by = - 2} about X and y, because Xiao Hong misread a in the first equation, The solution of the system of equations is {x = 1, y = 3, Xiao Ming misjudged B in the second equation, and obtained the solution of the system of equations as {x = - 5, y = 2, try to find the value of a, B, and calculate the value of a ^ 2006 + (- 2 / 1b) ^ 2005

Xiao Hong and Xiao Ming study together. When they solve a set of equations {ax + 5Y = 15,4x-by = - 2} about X and y, because Xiao Hong misread a in the first equation, The solution of the system of equations is {x = 1, y = 3, Xiao Ming misjudged B in the second equation, and obtained the solution of the system of equations as {x = - 5, y = 2, try to find the value of a, B, and calculate the value of a ^ 2006 + (- 2 / 1b) ^ 2005

Xiaohong B is right. Put in the second one
Xiaoming A: that's right
Put in the first one
So the original formula = (- 1) ^ 2006 + (- 1) ^ 2005

When the altitude increases by 100 meters, the temperature drops by 0.6 degrees. There is a peak at 1929 meters. The temperature at the foot of the mountain is 26 degrees. What is the temperature at the top of huangmaojian mountain?

26-0.6 × (1929 △ 100) = 14.4 degrees

The temperature at the foot of the mountain is 4, the temperature at the top of the mountain is - 2, the altitude increases by 100 meters, the temperature drops by 0.6, how high is the mountain
Xiao Ming uses temperature difference to measure the height of the mountain. He first measured the temperature at the foot of the mountain at 4 ℃, and then at the top of the mountain at - 2 ℃. He knows how high the mountain is when the temperature drops by 0.6 ℃ for every 100 meters above sea level

It is (4 + 2) △ 0.6 × 100 = 1000m

The temperature at the foot of the mountain is 4 degrees, and that at the top of the mountain is 2 degrees. The known height increases by 100 meters and the temperature drops by 0.8 degrees. How high is the mountain?
The temperature at the foot of the mountain is 4 degrees centigrade, and that at the top of the mountain is 2 degrees centigrade. It is known that the temperature drops by 0.8 degrees centigrade when the height of the area increases by 100 meters. How high is the mountain?

=250 m
A: the peak is 250 meters high
The temperature at the foot of the mountain minus the temperature at the top of the mountain. The difference is divided by 0.8, and the result is several 100 meters. Finally, multiplied by 100, it is the height of the mountain. The explanation is not good. Don't be surprised~