Xiaohong and Xiaoli have 112 stamps in total. The number of stamps of Xiaohong is six times that of Xiaoli. How many stamps do they each have

Xiaohong and Xiaoli have 112 stamps in total. The number of stamps of Xiaohong is six times that of Xiaoli. How many stamps do they each have

If Xiao Li has x stamps, Xiao Hong has 6x
96 for Xiaohong and 16 for Xiaoli

Xiao Hong and Xiao Li are both stamp collectors. Xiao Hong has 99 stamps, one eighth more than Xiao Li's. how many stamps does Xiao Li have
Correct answer? It's urgent today

Unit "1" is Xiaoli
But Xiao Li didn't know, so she used division
It's 99 (1 + 1 / 8)
=99 △ 9 / 8
=99 × 8 / 9
=88 (Mei)

Xiaoli has 1.5 times as many stamps as Xiaohong's. If Xiaoli's stamps are given to Xiaohong for 15, they will have the same number of stamps. What about the original stamps of Xiaoli and Xiaohong?

Set the original X of Xiaohong
Xiaoli had 90, Xiaohong had 60

Xiao Hong, Xiao Li and Xiao Gang: they personally participate in the four extracurricular interest groups of physical education, music, art and mathematics,
Xiao Hong, Xiao Li, Xiao Gang: three people participate in the school's four extracurricular interest groups of sports, music, art and mathematics,
They can only sign up for A group, then the registration results will have a different situation

This problem can't be calculated by the probability of sorting and combination. Each person can only sign up for one group, but it doesn't limit the number of people in each group. So the situation of three empty groups is 4, and the number of people in each group is 1; the situation of one empty group is 4, and the number of people in each group is 6; the situation of two empty groups is 6, and the number of people in each group is 6