Xiao Li, Xiao Hong and Xiao Fang weigh 54 kg, 56 kg and 52 kg, respectively How many kilos are the three of them?

Xiao Li, Xiao Hong and Xiao Fang weigh 54 kg, 56 kg and 52 kg, respectively How many kilos are the three of them?

Total weight of three persons:
(54 + 56 + 52) △ 2 = 81kg
Xiaofang: 81-54 = 27kg
Xiaoli: 81-56 = 25kg
Xiaohong: 81-52 = 29kg

Xiao Li has seven flowers and Xiao Hong has six

How many more flowers does Xiao Li have than Xiao Hong?
7-6 = 1 (piece)

If Xiaohong gives Xiaoli five pieces of sugar, they will have as much sugar. If Xiaoli gives Xiaohong three pieces of sugar, Xiaoli's sugar is Xiaohong

Xiao Hong gives Xiao Li 5 pieces of sugar, so they have the same amount of sugar. Xiao Hong has 5 x 2 = 10 more than Xiao Li
If Xiaoli gives Xiaohong three sugars, Xiaoli will have 10 + 3x2 = 16 sugars less than Xiaohong

Xiaoli, Xiaoqiang and Xiaohong, the eighth graders of a certain school, went to a supermarket to participate in social practice activities. In the activities, they participated in the sales of a certain kind of fruit. It is known that the price of the fruit is 8 yuan / kg. The following is their dialogue after the activities. Xiaoli: if the price is 10 yuan / kg, 300 kg can be sold every day. Xiaoqiang: if the price is 13 yuan / kg Xiao Hong: through investigation and verification, I found that there is a functional relationship between the daily sales volume y (kg) and the unit price x (yuan). (1) find the functional relationship between Y (kg) and X (yuan) (x > 0); (2) suppose that the daily profit of the supermarket is w yuan, then what is the unit price, What's the biggest profit you can get every day? What is the maximum profit? [profit = sales volume × (sales unit price - purchase price)]

(1) When the unit price is 13 yuan / kg, the sales volume is: 75013 − 8 = 150 kg. Let y and X be y = KX + B (K ≠ 0), substituting (10300) and (13150) respectively into: 300 = 10K + B150 = 13K + B  k = − 50B = 800  y and X be y = - 50x + 800 (...)