12 tons of disaster relief materials were transported to Yushu earthquake stricken area by car, and 6 / 11 of these materials were transported three times. On average, what percentage of these materials were transported each time? How many tons each time?

12 tons of disaster relief materials were transported to Yushu earthquake stricken area by car, and 6 / 11 of these materials were transported three times. On average, what percentage of these materials were transported each time? How many tons each time?

One third of 6 out of 11 is equal to the volume of transportation each time, one third of 6 out of 11 of 12 tons, and six out of 33 is about 2.18 tons

Yushu County, Qinghai Province, China on April 14, 2010, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake occurred in the early morning, and a batch of relief materials were urgently transported to the disaster area
If the goods and materials are transported by large trucks and small trucks at the same time, the ratio of the goods and materials transported in two days is 1. If the goods and materials are transported by large trucks alone, 1 / 2 of the goods and materials can be transported in five days. If the goods and materials are transported by small trucks alone, 4 / 5 of the goods and materials can be transported in a few days
Wuwu, answer quickly. I'm useful

What's the ratio of the goods and materials transported two days later to this batch of goods and materials
The total quantity of the goods is 1
The daily volume of large trucks is 1 / 2 divided by 5 = 1 / 10
If the daily freight volume of small truck is x, then: (x + 1 / 10) * 2 = 1, x = 2 / 5
4 / 5 divided by (1 / 10 + 2 / 5) = 8 / 5 days

The Yushu earthquake touched the hearts of people all over the country. An armed police force was ordered to deliver a batch of relief materials to the disaster area
After filling up the truck at road a, drive at a speed of 60km / h at a constant speed to the disaster area B 360km away from road a. the relationship between the remaining oil quantity y (L) in the tank and the driving time x (H) recorded in the table below is as follows:
Travel time x (H) 0 1 2 3 4
Remaining oil quantity y (L) 150 120 90 60 30
(1) Please use one of the functions you have learned to establish the functional relationship between Y and X, and explain the reason for choosing this function (it is not required to write the value range of the independent variable)
(2) If the speed and fuel consumption of the truck remain unchanged, and the truck arrives at C after 4h, and there is a gas station at d 12km in front of C, how many liters of fuel should be added at d at least to make the truck arrive at disaster area B, unload the goods and return to D for refueling? (according to driving experience, for the sake of safety, the remaining fuel in the tank should not be less than 10L)

Hello, Liang Ge Na AI_ Hi: (1) drawing: five groups of data are described in rectangular coordinate system, and these five points are on a straight line, so y and X satisfy the first-order functional relationship. Suppose the functional relationship between Y and X is: y = KX + B (K ≠ 0), then there is: 150 = B120 = K + B, and the solution is k = - 30, B = 150  the functional relationship between Y and X is: y

After the strong earthquake occurred in Yushu area of Qinghai Province, the state immediately launched the disaster relief plan to actively carry out the transportation of relief materials to the disaster area and the treatment of the wounded. It is known that Xining Airport and Yushu airport are 800 kilometers apart, and plane a and B start from Xining and Yushu along the same route, facing each other. As shown in the figure, line AB and CD respectively indicate that plane a and B leave Yushu airport (Note: for convenience of calculation, the unit of distance s in the plane rectangular coordinate system is set as (100 km)). Observe the image and answer the following questions: (1) how many hours after the departure of plane a, does plane B leave Yushu airport? How many kilometers per hour are the flight speeds of aircraft a and B? (2) (3) when a and B met, how many hours did B fly? How many kilometers from Xining Airport?

(1) It can be seen from the figure that plane B starts from Yushu airport one hour after plane a starts. The flight speed of plane a is V1 = 8005 △ 100 = 1.600 km / h, and the flight speed of plane B is V2 = 8004 △ 100 = 200 km / h. (2) the functional relationship between s and t of plane a is s = − 85t + 8, and the functional relationship between S and t of plane B is s = 2 (t-1) = 2T -