In an earthquake relief, a city organized 20 vehicles to transport three kinds of relief materials, including food, medicine and daily necessities, to the resettlement area. According to the plan, all 20 vehicles should be transported, and each vehicle can only carry one kind of relief materials and must be filled up Type of goods and materials: food, drugs and daily necessities: Freight (RMB) 120 160 100 (1) how many tons of disaster relief materials are loaded by 20 vehicles? (2) How much is the total cost of shipping this batch of disaster relief materials?

In an earthquake relief, a city organized 20 vehicles to transport three kinds of relief materials, including food, medicine and daily necessities, to the resettlement area. According to the plan, all 20 vehicles should be transported, and each vehicle can only carry one kind of relief materials and must be filled up Type of goods and materials: food, drugs and daily necessities: Freight (RMB) 120 160 100 (1) how many tons of disaster relief materials are loaded by 20 vehicles? (2) How much is the total cost of shipping this batch of disaster relief materials?

(1) There are (20-x-y) vehicles carrying daily necessities, so the disaster relief materials loaded by 20 vehicles = 6x + 5Y + 4 (20-x-y) = 6x + 5Y + 80-4x-4y = 2x + y + 80 (tons); (2) total cost = 120 × 6x + 160 × 5Y + 100 × 4 (20-x-y) = 720x + 800Y + 8000-400x-400y = 320x + 400Y + 8000 (yuan)

In the fight against the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake, a city organized 20 vehicles to transport 100 tons of food, medicine and daily necessities to the resettlement sites. According to the plan, all 20 vehicles will be loaded, and each vehicle can only carry the same kind of relief materials and must be full Type of goods and materials food and drug daily necessities transport capacity per vehicle (ton) 654 per ton freight required (yuan / ton) 120160 100 (1) suppose the number of vehicles carrying food is x and the number of vehicles carrying medicine is y. find the functional relationship between Y and X; (2) if the number of vehicles carrying food is not less than 5 and the number of vehicles carrying medicine is not less than 4, how many schemes are there for the arrangement of vehicles? (3) under the condition of (2), if the total freight is the least, which arrangement should be adopted? And calculate the least total freight

(1) According to the meaning of the question, the number of vehicles carrying food is x, the number of vehicles carrying medicine is y, then the number of vehicles carrying daily necessities is (20-x-y), there are 6x + 5Y + 4 (20-x-y) = 100, sorted out, y = - 2x + 20; (2) according to (1), the number of vehicles carrying food, medicine and daily necessities is respectively