There is a batch of coal that was originally planned to be transported by eight vehicles. In actual transportation, there are two vehicles less than the original plan. In this way, each vehicle carries an average of 2.5 tons more than the original plan How many tons of coal are there? Please answer Thank you!

There is a batch of coal that was originally planned to be transported by eight vehicles. In actual transportation, there are two vehicles less than the original plan. In this way, each vehicle carries an average of 2.5 tons more than the original plan How many tons of coal are there? Please answer Thank you!

Set a total of X tons of coal
A total of 60 tons of coal

For a batch of steel, the trolley needs 45 cars to transport, and the cart needs 36 cars to transport. The cart pulls 4 tons more than the trolley each time. How many tons of steel are there in total? (calculation process)

Set trolley, pull x tons per car
16 * 45 = 720 tons