When the car is running at a speed of 60km / h on the horizontal road at a constant speed, the resistance is 2000N, so what is the traction force? Let's say the answer directly

When the car is running at a speed of 60km / h on the horizontal road at a constant speed, the resistance is 2000N, so what is the traction force? Let's say the answer directly

When driving at a constant speed on a horizontal road, it is in a state of balance, under the balance force in the horizontal direction, and the traction force is equal to the resistance = 2000N

A 15000 n "Dongfang Nissan" small gas vehicle of a certain brand, when it is driving on the horizontal road at the speed of 60 km / h, the traction force it receives is 2000 n, then how much resistance does the vehicle receive? When it stops on the horizontal road, how much support does it receive?

If you are driving at a constant speed, of course, the resistance is equal to the traction force in the opposite direction, so it is 2000 n. the support force is equal to the gravity force in the opposite direction, 15000 n, upward