Four trucks transport 54 tons of goods in three times in a warehouse by truck. According to this calculation, how many times do you need to transport 45 tons of goods by five trucks? How many trucks do you need to transport 72 tons of goods by five trucks? How many tons of goods can you transport by three trucks by six times? (12 points) Passenger cars and freight cars start from 540 kilometers away at the same time, and travel in opposite directions. Passenger cars travel 60 kilometers per hour, which is twice the speed of freight cars. How many hours later do the two cars meet on the way? (7 minutes) Party A and Party B set out at the same time from two places with a distance of 6000 meters, and they met on the way 20 minutes later?

Four trucks transport 54 tons of goods in three times in a warehouse by truck. According to this calculation, how many times do you need to transport 45 tons of goods by five trucks? How many trucks do you need to transport 72 tons of goods by five trucks? How many tons of goods can you transport by three trucks by six times? (12 points) Passenger cars and freight cars start from 540 kilometers away at the same time, and travel in opposite directions. Passenger cars travel 60 kilometers per hour, which is twice the speed of freight cars. How many hours later do the two cars meet on the way? (7 minutes) Party A and Party B set out at the same time from two places with a distance of 6000 meters, and they met on the way 20 minutes later?

B runs x meters per minute, then 20 (x + 60) + 20x = 6000 get x = 120, B runs 120 meters per minute
The second question is, is it in the same direction or the opposite direction? How many times the speed of a passenger car is that of a freight car?

One part of cement, two parts of yellow sand and three parts of stone are used to prepare a kind of concrete on the construction site. At present, 6 tons of concrete are needed. Is ten bags of brand cement enough? (Conch Cement 50)

10 packets of cement is only 0.5 tons, according to the weight ratio, certainly not enough

174 tons of sand are transported by five identical trucks. According to this calculation, 490 tons of sand need to be transported by several more identical trucks

490 / (174 / 5) - 5 = 10 vehicles

Using trucks to transport goods in a warehouse, four trucks transport 54 tons of goods three times. According to this calculation, how many times do 54 tons of goods need to be transported by five volume trucks?

54 tons of goods need to be transported 3 times with 5 trucks