Construction technology of three axis (SMW) cement mixing pile

Construction technology of three axis (SMW) cement mixing pile

According to the characteristics of the project, design requirements, geological conditions, construction technology of three-axis cement soil mixing pile, combined with the construction experience of our company in similar geological conditions, in order to ensure the construction quality and progress of the project, this

The diameter of the three-axis mixing pile is 650mm, the spacing is 900mm, and the construction of one hole is carried out. The actual construction is carried out according to the large and small construction, the large section area is 0.87, the small section area is 0.332, the project cost is calculated according to (0.87 + 0.322) / 2 = 0.6, and the quantity of cement is not included in the jacketed part
It is found that when the construction unit carries out the construction, the large and small cement quantities are all calculated according to 0.87 and used for construction. What I want to ask is that the construction unit really does not understand the calculation? Does the small cement also use the large cement? Or does the calculation belong to the calculation, and the actual cement is all constructed according to the large cement?
If you know, tell me

In the actual construction, the cement consumption control of triaxial cement mixing pile is a difficult problem, but the better construction unit can control it better. As for the problems raised by the building owner, we may as well actually calculate how much cement is used after driving several piles, and also calculate according to the water cement ratio, cement content and soil specific gravity, Generally, it is normal that the cement content does not exceed 3% of the theoretical content

What is biaxial and triaxial cement mixing pile
What is the specific difference between them? Is it the difference of construction technology or machine?

There is no difference in the construction technology, but there is a difference in the machine. The position of the cement soil mixing pile out of the double shaft is different from that out of the three shaft. The double shaft is in a row, and the latter forms a triangle

The calculation formula of cement dosage = pile length * design cross-sectional area of pile * density of soil * does the cement dosage in the coefficient include water?
Is this cement content the weight of water and cement powder after mixing or the weight of cement powder

Weight of cement powder