The weight of a watermelon is equal to the weight of three pineapples, the weight of two pineapples is equal to the weight of eight apples, and the weight of two oranges is equal to the weight of one apple Q: how many oranges does a watermelon weigh?

The weight of a watermelon is equal to the weight of three pineapples, the weight of two pineapples is equal to the weight of eight apples, and the weight of two oranges is equal to the weight of one apple Q: how many oranges does a watermelon weigh?

1 watermelon = 3 pineapples
2 pineapples = 8 apples
1 apple = 2 oranges
1 pineapple = 4 apples = 4x2 oranges = 8 oranges
3 pineapple = 3x8 = 24 orange
1 watermelon = 24 orange weight

Pineapple + watermelon + pear = 4600g, Apple + pear + Pineapple = 750g, Apple + watermelon + pear = 4250g, pineapple + watermelon + Apple = 4650g, how many grams of each fruit?

Add all the data of given conditions together and find that each fruit has been calculated three times, and then divided by three to calculate the total amount of four fruits (4600 + 750 + 4250 + 4650) △ 3 = 4750 (kg) apple: 4750-4600 = 150 (kg) watermelon: 4750-750 = 4000 (kg) pineapple: 4750-4250 = 500 (kg) pear

A watermelon is equal to four pineapples, a pineapple is equal to three apples, and an apple is equal to two peaches

24 peaches. 1 × 4 × 3 × 2 = 24,

A watermelon and an apple weigh 6000 grams, a watermelon and a pineapple weigh 6500 grams, how many grams does a pineapple weigh than an apple

Because ① watermelon + Apple = 6000, ② watermelon + Pineapple = 6500, so using ② - ①: pineapple Apple = 6500-6000 = 500g. Pineapple weighs 500g more than apple

The fruit shop brought in a batch of fruits, of which bananas accounted for one eighth, pineapples accounted for one fifth, and the rest were watermelons. There were only 70 kg of watermelons, and how many kg of banana pineapples?

Watermelon accounts for 1-1 / 8-1 / 5 = 27 / 40. Dividing watermelon 70 by 27 / 40 is equal to the total weight of this batch of fruits, that is, 2800 / 27kg
Then multiply the total weight by 1 / 8, that is, banana weight: 350 / 27kg
Multiply by 1 / 5, the weight of pineapple is 560 / 27kg

Give 45 apples and 37 pears to some students equally. How many students eat fruit

The common factors of 48 and 36 are 12,6,4,3,2,1
Exclude 6,4,3,2,1 (if 1,2,3,4, there is no possibility that some students will miss three apples; if 6, it may be said that they are missing three apples, or they may be said that they have more than three apples. If there are differences, they will be discarded.)
Number of students = 12

If 16 pears and 19 apples are equally divided among several children, then there are two more pears and two less apples. How many children are there?

There are 7 children. 16-2 = 14, 19 + 2 = 21, find the least common divisor of 14 and 21

There are 20 pears and 25 apples distributed to the children on average. After sharing, there are two pears left and two apples missing. How many are there altogether?
On a 60cm note, draw a red dot every 3cm from the left end, and then draw a red dot every 4cm from the left end. The two ends of the note are not drawn. Finally, how many red dots are there on the note?

There should be 27 pears out of 18, 18 = 2 * 3 * 327 = 3 * 3 * 3, which are evenly distributed to the children, so the common divisor of 18 and 27 is 3 or 9. From the left end, draw points every 3 cm, a total of 60 / 3-1 = 19 points

Mother always has two pieces of bread, an egg, a banana, an apple and some juice for breakfast

My mother always breakfast eat two pieces of bread and an egg,a banana,an apple and some juice.

English translation
Your conjunctions
I don't like eggs and bread
I like apples and milk

1. I don't like eggs or bread. 2. I like apples and milk