Letter to foreign friends Write about the places of interest in Guangzhou 1 ~ why come to Guangzhou = =-_ -@! Write about the places of interest in Guangzhou 1 ~ why come to Guangzhou = =-_ -@About 500 words

Letter to foreign friends Write about the places of interest in Guangzhou 1 ~ why come to Guangzhou = =-_ -@! Write about the places of interest in Guangzhou 1 ~ why come to Guangzhou = =-_ -@About 500 words

16th Asian Games in 2010 12-27 November in Guangzhou, China, Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asia...

Write a letter to your parents. Thank you

Dear mom and dad,
It has been two weeks since I last wrote to you.I am so sorry that I don't write you very often.
However,I have been busy with my preparation
for the final exams.As you know,I'm coming home on Jan.14 th.But before that,I have to take the final exams for all six classes I'm taking this semester.Recently I have been in and out of the library a lot to do some research on the term paper for one of the classes.Most professors gave out the review problems already so that the students can study for the final.I think I'm doing okay studying for the final.
Besides reviewing materials,I'm also planning to host the New Year party of my department.You know there are so many talented people in my Communications major,but they picked me to host the party!Great,isn't it?
Well gotta go talk to you soon.
Love you,

The density ratio of water and alcohol is 5:4, if the volume ratio is 2:3, the mass ratio? If the mass ratio is 1:2, the volume ratio?


When ice turns into water, how does the mass and volume density change?

The density of ice is smaller than that of water, so the mass and volume are variables, which can only be determined by one. For example, if the volume is the same, the mass becomes smaller, and the volume with the same mass becomes smaller. Do you understand

When a piece of ice turns into water, the following is true: 1. The mass and volume density increase; 2. The mass and volume density remain unchanged; 3. The mass and volume density decrease; 4. The mass and volume remain unchanged
Small and dense

4. It just changes the state of matter, so the mass remains the same. Because the density of water is high, the volume of water is small

Mineral water or drink frozen in the refrigerator is liquid, a cover suddenly changed into ice sand?
When I was freezing mineral water or drinks in the refrigerator, I took it out of the refrigerator. It was obviously liquid. The Yining lid suddenly turned into ice sand. When I was a child, physics was not very good
What's the matter? It happens occasionally
How long will the beverage freeze have this effect

Because the pressure of the unopened mineral water is greater than the atmospheric pressure, the freezing point of the water decreases to 0 ℃ and does not freeze. When the bottle cap is opened, the pressure drops and the water sometimes appears like this. It's difficult to have this effect because the refrigerator's gear is different, the refrigeration is different, the refrigerators are different, and the pressure and brand of the mineral water bottle are different. The key is that you don't know when it reaches 0 ℃ and does not freeze,
And on the first floor, where's the carbon dioxide from the mineral water?

In the freezer layer, how to make a bottle of mineral water freeze into ice lump in a short time?

Warm water is the easiest to freeze into ice, which is a phenomenon in physics

Put a bowl of water into the refrigerator and freeze it into ice. Will it be as big as the original volume? Why?

No The density of ice is smaller than that of water. The mass of both is the same, so the volume of ice is larger than that of water!

A bottle of mineral water in the refrigerator, frozen into ice, and turned into water, back and forth several times, water can still drink?

Can drink, only the state of water changes, only the form of change, the essence of water has no change, just like rice and porridge, in the final analysis or rice
But it's better not to drink ice water. It's bad for your health. It's better to be thirsty for warm water

If you fill a steel thermos with mineral water, put it in the refrigerator without a lid and freeze it into ice, will the thermos break? Why?
What color will the ice be (transparent or white)?

(1) It depends on the manufacture of your steel cylinder. If your steel cylinder is as firm as an oxygen cylinder, zero degree ice can't break it. If your steel cylinder is worse than a glass hot water cylinder and wants to be cold to minus 20 degrees, it must break
(2) As the temperature drops, the refractive index of water changes from transparent to reflective, so it turns white. When it is fully reflective, it turns white