The volume of an ice cream is about 18 (), the volume of a TV is about 500 (), and the weight of a barrel of cooking oil is about 5 () fast

The volume of an ice cream is about 18 (), the volume of a TV is about 500 (), and the weight of a barrel of cooking oil is about 5 () fast

The volume of an ice cream is about 18 (cubic centimeter)
The volume of a TV set is about 500 cubic decimeters
A barrel of cooking oil weighs about 5 (kg)

In order to find out the quality of a barrel of edible oil marked "5L" bought from the supermarket, Xiao Hong poured some oil in the barrel into a small bottle at home, weighed it as 74g with a balance, and then poured almost all the edible oil into a measuring cylinder, measuring its volume as 20ml, Then weigh the residual oil and the small bottle with a balance, and the mass is 56g. Please calculate the mass of a barrel of edible oil bought from the supermarket?

(74-56) / 20 * 5000 = 4500g

A bottle of mineral water is 500ml, each person needs about 2.5L of water every day, and 100 people need about () bottles of mineral water

About (500) bottles of mineral water are needed for 100 people

1. A 2.5L bottle is filled with edible oil, and the mass of the oil is 2kg?
2. After the oil is used up, if this empty bottle is used to fill water, what is the maximum quantity of water that can be filled?

The density of oil is ρ = m / v = 2kg △ 2.5 × 10 ^ - 3m3 = 0.8 × 10 ^ 3kg / m3
Available water M = ρ v = 1 × 10 ^ 3kg / m3 × 2.5 × 10 ^ - 3m3 = 2.5kg

The volume of mineral water is 500ml. What is the gravity


What is the size of the gravity on an object?

Weight, the quantity of an object itself, is called mass. In different places, due to different gravitation and different weight, mass is equal everywhere and will not change due to the change of gravitation

An experiment is designed to show the relationship between the gravity and the shape of the object

Control variable method
First take the same shape to test
Pay attention to three cuboids with different densities but the same volume
Take three things of the same weight and different shapes
Finally, it is concluded that it has nothing to do with shape, but has something to do with quality

The density of the two objects is 1:2, the volume ratio is 2:3, the mass ratio is 1:2, and the gravity ratio is 1:3

Mass = density * Volume
The ratio of available mass is 1:3
If I'm not wrong, the last question is gravity ratio
According to the law of universal gravitation, the gravity ratio is 1:1, which has nothing to do with the mass volume of the object

Is mass proportional to volume the relationship between density and mass the relationship between gravity and mass

For the same solid substance, mass is proportional to volume
Relationship between density and mass: ρ = m / V
Relationship between gravity and mass: g = mg

If the density ratio of a and B is 2:1 and the volume ratio is 4:1, then the mass ratio is (), and the gravity ratio is ()

Division of two forms