A shop has a rule that after drinking soda, four empty soda bottles can be exchanged for one. Aunt Wang bought 24 bottles of soda. How many bottles of soda can she actually drink

A shop has a rule that after drinking soda, four empty soda bottles can be exchanged for one. Aunt Wang bought 24 bottles of soda. How many bottles of soda can she actually drink

But it can be calculated like this
For the first time, drink, get 24 caps, change 6 soda
Drink it the second time, get six caps and change it for a soda
The third time, I drank 31 bottles
At this time, there are three covers in hand
Buy a bottle of soda on credit from the store. After drinking it, you get a bottle cap, plus the three in your hand
Just in time to pay off the credit
So, you can drink 32 bottles

A store stipulates that three air water bottles can be replaced by one bottle of soda. Xiaoming has 10 empty water bottles. How many bottles of soda can he replace?

Ten empty bottles, nine for three sodas
After three bottles of soda are drunk, there will be three empty bottles, which can be exchanged for one bottle of soda
There will be one empty bottle after one bottle of soda is drunk, and there will be two empty bottles even before
If you want to drink more, borrow one empty bottle from the store, so there are three empty bottles
Three empty bottles can be exchanged for one soda
Return the remaining empty bottle to the store owner
So you can drink 3 + 1 + 1 = 5 bottles of soda

If you want to buy water for 2011 people, you can exchange seven empty bottles for one bottle of drink. How many bottles should you buy at least?
Clear thinking,
If it's good, I'll add more

In order to ensure that everyone has to buy at least x bottles of a bottle of beverage, because 7 empty bottles are replaced by a bottle of soda, that is, 7 empty = 1 water + 1 empty, 6 empty = 1 water. 2011 = x + X / 6, solution, x = 1723.71, that is 1724 (bottles). Therefore, to ensure that everyone has to buy at least 1724 bottles of a bottle of beverage

If you want to buy drinks for 2011 people, you can exchange 7 empty bottles for one. How many bottles do you need to buy at least for each bottle

1725 is correct, for reference only: for 7,49343, you can get 400 bottles if you buy 343 bottles, for 7,493432401, you can get 2801 bottles if you buy 2401 bottles, for 2011 is less than 2801 and more than 400, you can change the bottles three times, and the conversion coefficient is 400 / 343 = 1.166181, 2011 / 1.166181 = 1724.433, that is 1725 bottles, which can be tested and is completely correct