Talk about some slogans of spring sports meeting in Grade 6 of primary school emergency

Talk about some slogans of spring sports meeting in Grade 6 of primary school emergency

1. Develop sports, enhance people's physique! 2, national fitness, benefit the country and the people, merit in the contemporary, benefit in the future! 3, human need sports, the world yearns for peace! 4, carry out national fitness, build a well-off society in an all-round way! 5, sports make the city full of vitality, the city because of sports flourish vitality! 6, everyone cares about sports, sports make

Contributions to the spring games

Although the 100 meter track for 200 meter athletes is not long, the athletes have high aspirations. They are eager to try and win the first prize every minute. There are brave women in the experimental school, but how can women give way to men. In ancient times, Mulan rushed to the killing field, but now Lang Ping runs 100 meters

Beautiful sentences of contributions for spring games

Believe in yourself
How many times have you sweated, and the pain has filled your memory, just because you always believe that you can win only by fighting. You are always encouraging yourself, and you have to work hard to succeed. Blood is boiling in the field, and giants are rising in the field. Believe in yourself, you will win and create miracles. Believe in yourself, and dreams are in your hands. This is your world. When everything is over, you will be the first. Believe in yourself, you will surpass the limit, Surpass yourself! Believe in yourself, come on, athletes, believe in yourself