Five press releases for the spring sports meeting of grade one of primary school,

Five press releases for the spring sports meeting of grade one of primary school,

To the 100m athletes on the track, countless times standing on the white starting line, countless times looking forward, countless times tasting the bitterness of failure, countless times tasting the sweetness of victory. This is you? 100m athletes. Behind the glory is sweat, behind the success is hardship, for this short 100m, you have countless times of starting and rushing

Xiaojie went to the supermarket to buy 14 bottles of two brands of drinks, including 20 yuan for brand a and 10 yuan for brand B. if each bottle of Brand B drinks costs 0.5 yuan more than brand a, how much is the price of the two brands of drinks?

Suppose the price of brand a's beverage is x yuan, then the price of Brand B's beverage is (x + 0.5) yuan. According to the meaning of the question, 20x + 10x + 0.5 = 14, it is sorted out that 14x2-23x-10 = 0, the solution is X1 = - 514, X2 = 2, the test shows that X1 = - 514, X2 = 2 are the solutions of the original equation, but the negative number does not conform to the meaning of the question, so x = 2. Then x + 0.5 = 2.5. Answer: the price of brand a's beverage is 2 yuan, and that of brand B's beverage is 2.5 yuan

Xindu life supermarket in our city is going to buy 100 cases of a and B drinks at one time. The purchase price and selling price of each case of these two drinks are shown in the table below. Suppose x cases of a drinks are purchased, and all the two drinks can be sold, and the total profit is y yuan. The purchase price of brand a and B (yuan / case) is 6549, and the selling price (yuan / case) is 80 yuan 62 (1) find the functional relationship between Y and X; (2) due to the turnover of funds, the total cost of purchasing a and B drinks in supermarkets is not more than 5600 yuan, and the profit is not less than 1380 yuan. Considering the number of boxes of the two drinks, what kinds of purchase plans are there? (profit = selling price purchase price)

(1) According to the meaning of the question, the function relation between Y and X is: y = (80-65) x + (62-49) (100-x) = 2x + 1300, that is, y = 2x + 1300. (2) according to the meaning of the question, we get: 2x + 1300 ≥ 138065x + 49 (100 − x) ≤ 5600, solve the inequality, get 40 ≤ x ≤ 4334