Pet1 under mineral water bottle There's a pet under the bottle of mineral water. There's a 1 in it Some bottles have 5 in them

Pet1 under mineral water bottle There's a pet under the bottle of mineral water. There's a 1 in it Some bottles have 5 in them

It's polyester
The lowest level is 1 (usually disposable)
If it is more than 3, it is generally used for repetitive products or edible utensils

The problem of mineral water bottle
Twist the mineral water bottle from the middle to increase the internal pressure, and then immediately open the bottle cap to make a "bang" sound. The problem is why white smoke comes out of the bottle at this time. Please analyze the causes and components of white smoke
Do not understand the next test can be done

This white gas is definitely not the water vapor in the bottle. The volume in the bottle is compressed, and the pressure increases. When the bottle cap is opened, the gas in the bottle does external work, the internal energy decreases, and the temperature decreases. The water vapor in the air liquefies into small water droplets, that is, "fog". Similarly, the "white gas" appears at the bottle mouth when opening beer and pop can cola