The number of boys in class 6 (1) is 25% more than that of girls, just five more. How many students are there in this class?

The number of boys in class 6 (1) is 25% more than that of girls, just five more. How many students are there in this class?

The number of female students: 5 △ 25% = 20 (people); the number of male students: 20 + 5 = 25 (people); there are 45 students in this class: 20 + 25 = 45 (people); a: there are 45 students in this class

There were 300 students in sunshine primary school. The number of girls and boys increased by 5% and 4% respectively this semester, with a total increase of 13 students?

If there were x boys, there would be 300-x girls
There were 200 boys and 100 girls

There were 300 students in sunshine primary school. The number of girls and boys increased by 50% and 4% in this semester, with a total increase of 13 students?
How to write this question?

There are x girls and 300-x boys
The proof number is wrong

Three trucks transported a batch of coal. Car a transported 25% of the coal, car B 45% and car C 30%. Car a transported 4 tons less than car C, and car B transported several tons
There are 300 students in Huayuan primary school. This semester, the number of girls and boys increased by 5% and 4%, a total of 13. How many girls in Huayuan primary school had three cars to transport a batch of coal? Car a carried 25% of this batch of coal, car B carried 45% of this batch of coal, and car C carried 30% of this batch of coal. It is known that car a transported 4 tons less than car C. how many tons did car B transport?
The time deposits in banks are generally divided into one-year, two-year and three-year periods. The longer the deposit period is, the higher the interest rate is. You can choose different deposit methods according to your personal needs. Uncle Yan plans to deposit 20000 yuan in the bank for three years. Can you help him think of several ways of time deposits? How many yuan can each get? Which deposit method can get the most interest? (annual interest rate: 3.25% for one year, 75% for two-year period and 4.25% for three-year period)
According to the national regulations, the calculation method of contribution fee for publishing articles and books by individuals is as follows: (1) no tax shall be paid if the contribution fee is less than or equal to 800 yuan; (2) 14% of the part of contribution fee exceeding 800 yuan shall be paid if the contribution fee is more than 800 yuan but less than or equal to 4000 yuan; (3) 11.2% of all contribution fee shall be paid if the contribution fee is more than 4000 yuan
Mr. Wang's fee for writing a book is 3800 yuan. How much individual income tax should he pay?
Mr. Song paid 649.6 yuan of personal income tax for writing a book. How much is the contribution fee for this book?
Equation and formula

4 divided by (30% - 25%) is equal to 80, which is the total coal, then Party B transported 80 times 45% is 36. Suppose there are x girls and 300-x boys, x times 5% plus 300-x plus 4% is equal to 13, the solution is that x equals 100, one year plus two years, 20000 times 3.25% is equal to 65020000 plus 650 and 3.75% is equal to 774.375, a total of 774.375 plus 6