A bottle of drink, after drinking 25%, weighs 950g; when drinking 50%, it weighs 700g. How many grams does this bottle and bottle weigh? Just let X and not y

A bottle of drink, after drinking 25%, weighs 950g; when drinking 50%, it weighs 700g. How many grams does this bottle and bottle weigh? Just let X and not y

Drink x
1000 * 75% = 750g 1000-750 = 250
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A bottle of drink, after drinking 25%, weighs 950 grams. When drinking 50%, weighs 700 grams. How many kilograms of drinks and bottles?

Drinks are (950-700) △ 50% - 25% = 250 △ 0.25 = 1000g
Bottle 700-100x50% = 700-500 = 200g

A bottle of drink after drinking 25% of the total weight of 950 grams, when drinking 50% of the total weight of 700 grams, how many grams of drinks and bottles

From the meaning of the title:
25% weight of beverage = 950-700 = 250 g
Drink weight = (950-700) / (50% - 25%) = 1000g
Bottle weight = 950-1000 × (1-25%) = 200g