What day is April 30 and April 1? Please explain the algorithm in detail

What day is April 30 and April 1? Please explain the algorithm in detail

There are 29 days between April 30 and April 1, seven days a week,
29 △ 7 = more than one day in four weeks. The day before that is Thursday

If today is Friday, January 28, 2011, what day is it in 100 days?
How to calculate

One day is Saturday, two days is week 7, three days is the remainder of week 1 = 8 / 7
So in 100 days, (5 + 100) / 7, the remainder is 0, so it is week 7

The ground radius and height of the large cylinder are twice that of the small cylinder. The small cylinder can hold 3kg of oil, and the large cylinder can hold 3kg of oil?

Small cylinder volume = Α RRH
Large cylinder volume = л (2R) (2R) 2H
So the big cylinder oil 8 * 3 = 24kg