The volume of a beverage bottle is 30 cubic centimeters, which contains some drinks. The height of the drink is 20 centimeters when it is placed upright, and when it is placed upside down A kind of beverage bottle has a volume of 30 cubic centimeters. It contains some drinks. When it is placed upright, the height of the drink is 20 centimeters. When it is placed upside down, the height of the spare part is 5 centimeters. How many cubic centimeters of drinks are there in the bottle? I know the answer is 24, I want to ask what is the train of thought My formula: 20÷(20+5)×30=24(cm³)

The volume of a beverage bottle is 30 cubic centimeters, which contains some drinks. The height of the drink is 20 centimeters when it is placed upright, and when it is placed upside down A kind of beverage bottle has a volume of 30 cubic centimeters. It contains some drinks. When it is placed upright, the height of the drink is 20 centimeters. When it is placed upside down, the height of the spare part is 5 centimeters. How many cubic centimeters of drinks are there in the bottle? I know the answer is 24, I want to ask what is the train of thought My formula: 20÷(20+5)×30=24(cm³)

The formula is correct
The idea is that the height of the beverage when it is placed upright + the height of the remaining space when it is placed upside down is the height of the beverage bottle. The total volume divided by the total height is the bottom area, and then multiplied by the height of the beverage to get the volume of the beverage
If the bottle is irregular, the answer cannot be found

As shown in the figure, the volume of a drink bottle is 80 cubic centimeters. When the bottle is placed upright, the height of the drink is 16 centimeters. When the bottle is placed upside down, the upper free height is 4 centimeters. What is the volume of the drink in the bottle?

Merge the two pictures, and you will find that: after exchanging the inverted blank part with the upright blank part, it is a regular cylinder. At this time, the height of the bottle is 16 + 4 = 20 cm, 80 △ 20 = 4 square cm ·· bottom area
16 × 4 = 64 cubic centimeter

A kind of drink bottle has a cylindrical body with a volume of 500 cubic centimeters. Now there are some drinks in the bottle. When the bottle is placed, the height of the drink is 20 centimeters,
The height of the rest of the bottle is 5cm. How many milliliters of drinks are there in the bottle

The height of the rest of the bottle is 5cm, that is, the air part is equal to a 5cm high cylinder, so the beverage in the bottle is 20 / (20 + 5) * 500 = 400ml

There is a kind of beverage bottle whose body is cylindrical (excluding bottle neck) and its volume is 4 liters. There are some drinks in the bottle (as shown in the figure). The height of the drink is 20 cm when it is placed upright, and the spare part is 5 cm when it is placed upside down

Because the volume of the drink is constant, and the volume of the spare part in the bottle is also constant, so the volume of the drink is 4 times of the volume of the spare part: 20 △ 5, then the volume of the drink is 44 + 1 = 45, the volume of the drink is 4 × 45 = 3.2 (L); a: the volume of the drink in the bottle is 3.2 L